Ensemble normal
En stock:0
Jeu de feuilles
En stock0
Insignes (24)
Steam 3000 - Level 1 Lv. 1
Rarity: 623173
Steam 3000 - Level 2 Lv. 2
Rarity: 235000
Steam 3000 - Level 3 Lv. 3
Rarity: 152815
Steam 3000 - Level 4 Lv. 4
Rarity: 112139
Steam 3000 - Level 5 Lv. 5
Rarity: 113634
Steam 3000 - Level 6 Lv. 6
Rarity: 67527
Steam 3000 - Level 7 Lv. 7
Rarity: 51771
Steam 3000 - Level 8 Lv. 8
Rarity: 43224
Steam 3000 - Level 9 Lv. 9
Rarity: 39821
Steam 3000 - Level 10 Lv. 10
Rarity: 48479
Steam 3000 - Level 25+ Lv. 25
Rarity: 4671
Steam 3000 - Level 50+ Lv. 50
Rarity: 2894
Steam 3000 - Level 75+ Lv. 75
Rarity: 702
Steam 3000 - Level 100+ Lv. 100
Rarity: 2217
Steam 3000 - Level 250+ Lv. 250
Rarity: 261
Steam 3000 - Level 500+ Lv. 500
Rarity: 167
Steam 3000 - Level 750+ Lv. 750
Rarity: 15
Steam 3000 - Level 1,000+ Lv. 1000
Rarity: 92
Steam 3000 - Level 2,500+ Lv. 2500
Rarity: 23
Steam 3000 - Foil 1+ Foil Lv. 1
Rarity: 18935
Steam 3000 - Foil 3+ Foil Lv. 3
Rarity: 1323
Steam 3000 - Foil 5+ Foil Lv. 5
Rarity: 1335
Steam 3000 - Foil 10+ Foil Lv. 10
Rarity: 562
Steam 3000 - Foil 50+ Foil Lv. 50
Emoji et dos (12)
:crtamazed: 30
:crtcool: 30
:crtevil: 30
:crtgoofy: 30
:crtlightning: 30
:crtstar: 30
:crtstressed: 30
Steam 3000 - Son of Clorthax 30
Steam 3000 - First Clorthax 30
Steam 3000 - Return of Clorthax 30
Steam 3000 - Revenge of Clorthax 30
Steam 3000 - The Last Clorthax 30
Cartes normales (10)
Clorthax Card Alpha
Clorthax Card Beta
Clorthax Card Gamma
Clorthax Card Delta
Clorthax Card Epsilon
Clorthax Card Zeta
Clorthax Card Eta
Clorthax Card Theta
Clorthax Card Iota
Clorthax Card Kappa
Cartes en aluminium (10)
Clorthax Card Alpha
Clorthax Card Beta
Clorthax Card Gamma
Clorthax Card Delta
Clorthax Card Epsilon
Clorthax Card Zeta
Clorthax Card Eta
Clorthax Card Theta
Clorthax Card Iota
Clorthax Card Kappa