Conjunto de cartas
Preço de criação: 500
Conjunto normal
Em stock:0
Conjunto foil
Em stock0
Medalhas (6)
Emoticons e Fundos (10)
Blue Tumblestone
Lv. 1
Rarity: 59169
Rarity: 59169
Yellow Tumblestone
Lv. 2
Rarity: 31358
Rarity: 31358
Red Tumblestone
Lv. 3
Rarity: 25646
Rarity: 25646
Green Tumblestone
Lv. 4
Rarity: 23017
Rarity: 23017
Purple Tumblestone
Lv. 5
Rarity: 53836
Rarity: 53836
Wildcard Tumblestone
Foil Lv. 1
Rarity: 2578
Rarity: 2578
Cartas Normais (12)
Cartas Foil (12)
Queen of the Nile
Goblin King
Sea Queen
Sausage King
Queen Bee
King of the Jungle
Ice Queen
Skull King
Queen of Hearts
Prom King
Dancing Queen
Rock King
Queen of the Nile
Goblin King
Sea Queen
Sausage King
Queen Bee
King of the Jungle
Ice Queen
Skull King
Queen of Hearts
Prom King
Dancing Queen
Rock King