Set de cromos Precio de creación: 1200
Set normal
En stock:0
Set reflectante
En stock0
Insignias (6)
Broken Heart Lv. 1
Rarity: 9760
Restored Heart Lv. 2
Rarity: 3871
Locked Heart Lv. 3
Rarity: 2102
Unlocked Heart Lv. 4
Rarity: 1878
Pure Heart Lv. 5
Rarity: 2163
Radiant Heart Foil Lv. 1
Rarity: 188
Emoticonos y Fondos (8)
:pflowers: 6
:Ugift: 6
:lovelock: 6
:lovestar: 6
:divineheart: 6
Taka 6
Sakuya 6
Ryn and Yui 6
Cromos normales (5)
Sakuya at the Library
Taka Fell Down
Heavenly Gates
Sleeping Ryn
Cute Yui
Cromos reflectantes (5)
Sakuya at the Library
Taka Fell Down
Heavenly Gates
Sleeping Ryn
Cute Yui