Set of cards Creation price: 857
Normal set
In stock:0
Foil set
In stock0
Badges (6)
Scratching Lv. 1
Rarity: 762031
Clawing Lv. 2
Rarity: 283402
Bleeding Lv. 3
Rarity: 200433
Shrieking Lv. 4
Rarity: 166319
Screaming Lv. 5
Rarity: 181274
Sacrifice Foil Lv. 1
Rarity: 17738
Emoji and Backs (12)
:thehook: 28
:theskull: 28
:whiteward: 28
:thetrap: 28
:sacrificed: 28
Claudette Morel 28
Dwight Fairfield 28
Jake Park 28
Meg Thomas 28
The Trapper 28
The hillbilly 28
The Wraith 28
Normal cards (7)
Claudette Morel
Dwight Fairfield
Meg Thomas
Jake Park
The hillbilly
The trapper
The Wraith
Foil cards (7)
Claudette Morel
Dwight Fairfield
Meg Thomas
Jake Park
The hillbilly
The trapper
The Wraith