Set of cards Creation price: 1200
Normal set
In stock:11
Foil set
In stock10
Badges (6)
Level 1 Lv. 1
Rarity: 33198
Level 2 Lv. 2
Rarity: 20785
Level 3 Lv. 3
Rarity: 18514
Level 4 Lv. 4
Rarity: 17445
Level 5 Lv. 5
Rarity: 38349
Level 6 Foil Lv. 1
Rarity: 1457
Emoji and Backs (8)
:42blocks1: 3
:42blocks2: 3
:42blocks3: 3
:42blocks4: 3
:42blocks5: 3
ProfileBackground 1 3
ProfileBackground 2 3
ProfileBackground 3 3
Normal cards (5)
Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Card 4
Card 5
Foil cards (5)
Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Card 4
Card 5