Set of cards Creation price: 1200
Normal set
In stock:0
Foil set
In stock0
Badges (6)
Emma level 1 Lv. 1
Rarity: 231
Emma level 2 Lv. 2
Rarity: 74
Emma level 3 Lv. 3
Rarity: 59
Emma level 4 Lv. 4
Rarity: 57
Emma level 5 Lv. 5
Rarity: 88
Emma and Hector rare Foil Lv. 1
Emoji and Backs (8)
:huntingrifle: 6
:showtime: 6
:unlock: 6
:lovevase: 6
:partnersincrime: 6
Fence 6
Few Memories 6
Family 6
Normal cards (5)
First Memory
Second Memory
Third Memory
Fourth Memory
Fifth Memory
Foil cards (5)
First Memory
Second Memory
Third Memory
Fourth Memory
Fifth Memory