Maintenance is scheduled for July 03, 21:00 UTC
Набор карточек Цена создания: 857
Обычный набор
В наличии:0
Металлический набор
В наличии0
Значки (6)
Chocolate Rank Lv. 1
Rarity: 5700
Iron Rank Lv. 2
Rarity: 2061
Bronze Rank Lv. 3
Rarity: 1467
Silver Rank Lv. 4
Rarity: 1236
Gold Rank Lv. 5
Rarity: 1506
Platinum Rank Foil Lv. 1
Rarity: 121
Смайлы и Фоны (20)
:tfhapple: 28
:tfhbasket: 28
:tfhbroccoli: 28
:tfhchopper: 28
:tfhgrr: 28
:tfhsprite: 28
:tfhbook: 28
:tfhcap: 28
:tfhwings: 28
:tfhfred: 28
Arizona 28
Oleander 28
Paprika 28
Pom 28
Tianhuo 28
Velvet 28
Highlands vs Meadows 28
Prairie vs Tundra 28
Woodlands vs Volcano 28
Unspeakable 28
Обычные карточки (7)
Champ'een of the Prairie
Captain of the Royal Guard
Unspeakable Eldritch Horror
Terror in the Fog
Dark Sorceress
Ze Best
The Bravest
Металлические карточки (7)
Champ'een of the Prairie
Captain of the Royal Guard
Unspeakable Eldritch Horror
Terror in the Fog
Dark Sorceress
Ze Best
The Bravest